Learn what to do if you cant sign in to your apple account or apple services because your account is locked, not active, or disabled. If you see one of the following messages, your apple account locked automatically to protect your security and you cant sign in and use any apple services: Locked out of your iphone and forgot your passcode? Use a computer to put your iphone into recovery mode so you can erase your phone and set it up again. Follow the instructions in this article to unlock your iphone.
Click on the links below to find instructions on how to deal with your specific situation: To unlock your iphone passcode without a computer: Youll need to know your apple account information that you used to set up your iphone. Your iphone need to be using ios 15. 2 or later. Unlock your iphone passcode without computer in ios 17 or later If your iphone or ipad was stolen, the first thing that you should do is put your device in lost mode to lock it. It's important to mark your device as lost as quickly as possible this prevents the thief from accessing and using your device and making changes to. I found an iphone 14/13/12/11/x/8; How do i unlock it without effort? This post covers the steps to do with a found iphone and the 4 methods to unlock the phone. Check it out to learn what you want. To unlock your iphone, follow the steps described in the apple article: If you don't have a computer and you can't borrow one, you need to go to an apple retail store or apple authorized service provider for help. Here's how to tell if your iphone is unlocked in settings: Open the settings app on the iphone in question.
Check it out to learn what you want. To unlock your iphone, follow the steps described in the apple article: If you don't have a computer and you can't borrow one, you need to go to an apple retail store or apple authorized service provider for help. Here's how to tell if your iphone is unlocked in settings: Open the settings app on the iphone in question. Scroll down and tap general. Scroll to the bottom and look for carrier lock. If it says no sim restrictions, then your iphone is unlocked and you're free to use any carrier or cell service. If it says anything else, then it is. There are several online tools available that can help verify if an iphone is locked. Websites such as imei. info allow users to enter their devices imei number and receive detailed information about their phone, including its lock status. Apple can't unlock your iphone for use with a different carrier. Only your carrier can unlock your iphone. You need to contact your carrier. Or do you need the puk code?, see this apple article: Use a sim pin for your iphone or ipad.
Scroll down and tap general. Scroll to the bottom and look for carrier lock. If it says no sim restrictions, then your iphone is unlocked and you're free to use any carrier or cell service. If it says anything else, then it is. There are several online tools available that can help verify if an iphone is locked. Websites such as imei. info allow users to enter their devices imei number and receive detailed information about their phone, including its lock status. Apple can't unlock your iphone for use with a different carrier. Only your carrier can unlock your iphone. You need to contact your carrier. Or do you need the puk code?, see this apple article: Use a sim pin for your iphone or ipad.
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