Disable discovery to hide your profile without deleting your account. When discovery is off, your profile wont be shown as a recommendation to new people on tinder. You also can't view recommendations or like anyone new. Open the tinder app or go to the website. Go to settings > scroll down to delete account > i want a fresh start > confirm deletion.
If i was already talking to someone but decide to uninstall the app without deleting or deactivating my account, will i also disappear from their matches/inbox? Or will my messages stay even if i. To delete your account, follow these steps: Sign in to the tinder app or tinder. com; Scroll to the bottom and tap delete. Yes, deleting the tinder app does not remove your profile. Your profile continues to be visible to others. No, uninstalling the tinder app does not delete your account. Your profile remains active on tinders servers until you manually delete it through the app or website. Users can still manage their profile by deleting it from their device and then adding it to their icloud or google account. This way, their profile remains. Is there a way to hide my tinder profile without deleting my account? Yes, you can temporarily hide your tinder profile by going to your settings and toggling off the show me on.
This way, their profile remains. Is there a way to hide my tinder profile without deleting my account? Yes, you can temporarily hide your tinder profile by going to your settings and toggling off the show me on.
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