Tim Drake's Arkham Knight Nightmare: The Robin You Never Knew

Tim Drake's Arkham Knight Nightmare: The Robin You Never Knew

In one of arkham knights earlier scenes, tim drake suits up as robin to take down poison ivy, who has covered gothams botanical gardens in dangerous new plant. Tim flirts with barbara in arkham city over comms. Its when youre in the underground segments with the league of assassins. Tim states over and over again how he only wanted to be robin, never batman. He even reluctantly took up the mantle in battle for the cowl when dick refused, only because he.

In one of arkham knights earlier scenes, tim drake suits up as robin to take down poison ivy, who has covered gothams botanical gardens in dangerous new plant. Tim flirts with barbara in arkham city over comms. Its when youre in the underground segments with the league of assassins. Tim states over and over again how he only wanted to be robin, never batman. He even reluctantly took up the mantle in battle for the cowl when dick refused, only because he.

Then batman sees joker outside the cell and release him from the cell. After he goes in and out several times, he chooses to stay out and. Tim drake as robin is overrated for me. All the detectives around the workd couldn't know about batman's identity but some super genius rich kid knew. Tim drake was in the audience the night the flying graysons were murdered, where he witnessed batman leap to the scene. Inspired by batman's heroics, tim closely followed the chronicles of. Tim drake is the 3rd robin and batman's sidekick, as well as the husband to oracle, the first batgirl and batman's information broker. He also is red robin, in one of the many skins he has. So at some point in the story knight captures oracle. Now we are supposed to assume he knew about her and her location because of his previous involvement with batman.

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