Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Songs by bands that might not be around anymore but definitely got a specific spot in our heart. Let us refresh your memories and fill your soul with nostalgia as we look back on. The greatest alternative rock albums of 2006, as voted by rym/sonemic users The influence of these 2006 top 100 alternative songs extended beyond just the music charts.
Pitchfork's best alternative rock albums of 2006. View reviews, ratings, news & more regarding your favorite band. There are unlimited ways to filter charts: You can make a personalized chart based on any combination of genres, descriptors, countries, languages and more. The best alternative rock albums of 2006. View reviews, ratings, news & more regarding your favorite band. Here, though, are 10 indie anthems from 2006 that still sound amazing. Arctic monkeys, fake tales of san francisco. Do you remember these scruffy urchins from sheffield?
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