Kylie Jenner's Net Worth:  Is It REALLY What You Think?

Kylie Jenner's Net Worth: Is It REALLY What You Think?

Kylie's net worth currently stands at $750 million if you ask celebrity net worth, but may actually be a bit lower. Many people even believe they are actually not. In just four years, jenner grew her net worth to $1 billion a feat she accomplished by the age of 21. That means she has a lifetime ahead of her to build billions. Jenner has made about $100 million in her short career, which is an astonishing achievement but isnt enough to make her a billionaire.

Kylie's net worth currently stands at $750 million if you ask celebrity net worth, but may actually be a bit lower. Many people even believe they are actually not. In just four years, jenner grew her net worth to $1 billion a feat she accomplished by the age of 21. That means she has a lifetime ahead of her to build billions. Jenner has made about $100 million in her short career, which is an astonishing achievement but isnt enough to make her a billionaire.

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