Driving You Crazy? Stop That Popping Sound!

Driving You Crazy? Stop That Popping Sound!

I've developed a click/clank noise that almost sounds like something metal is popping against something else when i accelerate from a stop. It sounds like it is coming from. During regular driving i have no exhaust pops. While sitting with the automatic in park, and stabbing on the throttle, numerous pops come out of the exaust. Anytime i accelerate from a stop at or below 2k rpm (enough to make things vibrate a bit), i get a loud and annoying rattle/pop.

I've developed a click/clank noise that almost sounds like something metal is popping against something else when i accelerate from a stop. It sounds like it is coming from. During regular driving i have no exhaust pops. While sitting with the automatic in park, and stabbing on the throttle, numerous pops come out of the exaust. Anytime i accelerate from a stop at or below 2k rpm (enough to make things vibrate a bit), i get a loud and annoying rattle/pop.

My 2014 limited makes a pretty loud clicking noise when coming to a stop. I don't hear it with the windows up, just when the windows are down. It happens every. single. time. Whats that popping sound under my car? An exhaust leak, usually from a bad.

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